
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Exactly two years later...

Two years ago, 21st of August of 2011 while I was reading The Old Man and The Sea I took a train that was going to take me from Geneva to Grenoble, a train that was going to take me back into the academic life, a train that was going to drop me in a new stage of my life: a Master degree.

Today, two years later,  20th of August of 2013 I have the pleasure to declare that this stage of my life is closed. I have finished all my duties regarding the MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship as I completed my Final Management Project, a.k.a Dissertation or Thesis three days before of my personal deadline. Below you can see the cover page.

More details about the dissertation itself and about that stage of my life will come later, although for the time being I can summarize it as: EXCELLENT!

I would like to close this post and this chapter of my life with the credits and acknowledgments I offered at the end of my dissertation:

"It would not be fare to finalize this work without presenting my sincere thanks to all of those who participated in this research and to those who made from the last two years an unforgettable period of my life.

To Mathieu Chuat for his time, for his always kind guidance, feedbacks and remarks tutoring this project. His experience in technology and innovation management were extremely important in the development of this study. I am glad I had the chance to have him both as teacher and as tutor of this project, where I could appreciate his insights and vision about innovations.

To all the experts who accepted and participated into this Delphi forecast: Mr. Roy Freeland, Mr. Aaron Lemieux, Mr. Michael Perrotta, Mr. Jean-Frederic Martin, Mr. Brad Chisum, Dr. Jan Kunzmann, Prof. Alex Weddell, Prof. Libor Rufer.

I want to present my special thanks to Mr. Fabrice Poulin. Not only for his active participation
during the research, but also for giving me the amazing opportunity to make part of his organization (Infinergia Consulting) during my internship. There, I had the chance to learn about consulting in technology and to learn about Energy Harvesting. To him my most sincere thanks.

To all professors during my classes in GGSB particularly those who challenged my points of view
and woke up my passion for innovation management: Prof. Michele Coletti, Prof. Edward Roche, Prof. Jose Gotzsch, Prof. Isabelle Chaboud, Prof. Mark Esposito, Prof. Federico Pigni and Prof. Paolo Saviotti. From GGSB I also want to thank Marie-France Derderrian for facilitating the MSc ISE degree and to Emilie Personnaz for her endless kindness, support and willingness to help in any management issue of students.

I want to thank Beca Desafios and COLFUTURO for granting me the scholarships and providing
me the economic support, without which my last two years of study would had been impossible.

This work is dedicated to my mother and brother whose unconditional love, support and encouragement have brought me where I am right now. You both are the lighthouses of my life.

To my friends and classmates for making the most of the year we spent together, for resisting my  working style and for the endless laughs and memorable moments. To Alex, Guillermo, Agostino, Nick, Jose Manuel, Alejandra, Aparna, Din, Mohammad-Joud, Marlotte, Ioanna Yiasemi, Keegan, Zackis, Amit, Kabir, Julian, Clement. To all of you eternal thanks!"

Infinite thanks to all of them!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

2 years without Magyarország

Tomorrow it will be 2 years since I left Budapest. A city that changed my life and that will always be in my heart and memories. I just had it in my mind today and I couldn't help myself from listening to some magyar music, here, my two favorite hungarian songs

"8 hours of work, 8 hours of rest and 8 hours of partying!"

Palinka Sunrise

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Take care with what you read

It felt weird these days when I started taking decisions as if I was part of the plot of several books I have read, as if I was on the book and I knew the final and I had still a chance to change it.

Feeling at the same time like as Raskolnikov knocking at the door, or as Harry Heller getting an invitation to visit "the hell" or as old Govinda listening at old Sidhartha at the side of the river...I felt illuminated, but confused too.
It was weird to feel that Raskolnikov crossed the door, and although killed the old woman did not kill her sister, or that the wolf took power of Harry Heller and made him leave the dance-floor after joining Herminda shortly in "the hell"...or that indeed Sidhartha talks to you but not at the end of his life, but just when he is young and when he is getting to know Kamala.

It was weird to feel that my Steppenwolf took a decision based on fear about a possible punishment in Siberia, but ended up acting different thanks to a suggestion that Sidhartha gave me while crossing the river on his boat...

Whatever I have done or not, the conclusion is; Take care of what you read, for good or for bad, your life might end up on the books, on several of them at the same time!

Sin palabras pero con algo en el estomago

Hace unos pocos momentos ví "La Piel Que Habito", y hace unos muchos años no veia una pelicula que me dejara tal sensación de no-sé-que.

Me veo en la necesidad de escribir, vomitar, esbozar, escupir o lo que sea para descifrar que "coño" es lo que siento.

Como en problemas de ingeniería o física, comencemos resolviendo lo extremos, lo simple, las condiciones de frontera; ¿Me gustó o no?.. Sin duda me gustó, siempre he dicho que me gustan aquellas peliculas donde el yo antes y el yo despues de ellas son diferentes.
Sin tener que hablar de Sartre ni de Camus ni del existencialismo, basta decir que me gustan esas peliculas donde mis sentimientos y mi estado de animo cambian, donde la pelicula deja de ser un haz de luz proyectado en una superficie y pasa a ser un vehiculo que me transporta a otra dimension y me deja alla tirado: a one-way-ticket. Y esto incluye a las peliculas que me alegran pero tambien a las que no lo hacen. Millon Dollar Baby o Match Point son dos claros ejemplos.

Ahora, teniendo claro que La Piel Que Habito me ha cambiado el animo, es imposible negar que me haya gustado. <españolete> -¿Que si me ha gustado? -Joder tio, que sí! </españolete> Primer tema resuelto.

Pero siento la necesidad de hablar más al respecto, pues valorar de esa forma tan binaria a esta pelicula siento que es injusto. Depronto ese es otro adjetivo para la pelicula, Injusta o más bien Enferma: "Ey Pablo, que pensas de la pelicula?" "Pues, que te dijera: es una pelicula buena, es bastante enferma y un poquitin injusta" (uhh, creo que de critico de cine me muero de hambre)

Teniendo claro que no soy muy bueno con las palabras, creo que tendré que resumir y ahora que mencioné a Sartre, recordé uno de sus libros. Y creo que su titulo describe el estado en el que quedé despues de la pelicula, describe el no-sé-que que tengo en el estomago: una NÁUSEA!

Algo mas o menos asi, solo que con un poco mas de rojo, amarillo y caos al fondo de la pintura:

El caso es que valió la pena la pelicula y el intento por expeler lo sentido.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

too much tea and books

My blog has became a bit flat; I just talk about books and tea. Although today I wanted to write about tea again, I decided to talk a little bit about science...The following TED talk is a very interesting one about an mysterious behavior seen in animals...just take a look