
Monday, June 24, 2013

Tea-ing around

Through out this blog I have made it very clear that I really really love tea. Sadly these days I ran out of my tea provisions I brought from Europe, some other I brought from India and some other my brother brought from USA. It was moment to buy some tea here in Colombia, the land of Coffee...challenge!

In that sense I am a bit sad to notice how expensive loose tea is in Colombia, although I understand the reason why: As Adam Smith would say "it's just a matter for the invisible hand, a matter of offer and demand". In Colombia, people hardly know what tea really is, no one drinks that.

Any ways, I managed to buy some and I have some stock now, let's see how long it lasts.

But today I really wanted to write about a magnificent tea I brew today.
Lately I've been experimenting adding some drops* of alcohol to me beloved beverage. I started first trying with my grenoblois alcohol speciallity: Chartreuse, a herbal stuff. Although it is a rather sweet liquour, it fits pretty well in a mixed brewing between black tea (Earl Gray in particular) and green tea (Gun Powder, my favorite one). All those brewed together with the omnipresent slice of lemon (Central-Europe style ;-) ). This blend gets superb exchanging the black tea for some mint leaves, it is perfect before going to bed.

Still I haven't talked about my tea today, but I still need to talk about other experiments, such as brandy, rum and whiskey. Let me tell you that with those it gets actually better and better, I realized that tea (black one pretty much) goes pretty well with those liquors that were kept in a wood barrel for a while (haven't tried wine yet, but I have the feeling it would work). To remark: a Second Flush Darjeeling tea with whiskey (My lord! after drinking that I could die happy!!)

Well let me tell you that today I brew what we could call a Mexican Tea, because I put some Tequila on it, and WOW it was simply as if god or all the gods of all the times were in that cup all together. The blend was pretty simple:  a TeaSpoon of Ceylon black tea + a bit less than a TS of Gun Powder tea + a slice of lime (not lemon) + 2 TS of tequila. I wanted to cry of happiness with that tea, and then I almost cried of sadness when it was over.

I can already forecast that this Tequila bottle in my place wont last much ;-)

This post was a mess, I know, I apologize...I just wanted to write, no thinking about structure, no thinking about nothing, just writing about my magnificent drink tonight, hope someone, some day, some where can give it a try and let me know what they believe about it...if you like it, feel free to send me some loose tea here to Colombia :P, it will be highly appreciated hehehe.

Long live to Tea!

*drops: It could actually be more than just a "drop" ;-)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Two songs for two moments of my life

It is hard to summarize four years of my life with just two songs. But these ones are representative as every time I listen to them I think about my time in Budapest and Grenoble. Here they are, respectively:

For Budapest

For Grenoble