With this I dont mean that the book itself is bad. It's just that it was a book that took me more than one year to read, reading 2, 3 pages before falling asleep each night. I stopped reading it a couple of time to read other books, hence I couldnt appreciate it as a whole. However I think it's an interesting book and more for those lovers of Steve Jobs or Apple.
The following are the few highlights I made on the book:
the greatest things about finding good people is that they become your best recruiters. They are the people most likely to know others who have the same values and sense of style that you and they themselves do. A good “Pirate” generally has a friend or relative who is just as good. Steve used to say to me that “great engineers are a huge multiplier.”
“What matters isn’t what happens to you in life. What really matters is how you react to it.”
Thoreau said, “Simplification of means and elevation of ends is the goal.”
“I’m as proud of what we don’t do as I am of what we do,”
To have true innovation, you have to build a culture to support it.
Success can be self-defeating, if it leads you into the rut of repeating yourself. Too often we cannot envision a different world because we’ve gotten into the habit of looking at our world with the mind-set of what has worked before.
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