
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Make this world happier, follow the Latin vibe

More than one year ago I got to know this video which points out a couple of interesting points; like the one saying that we are measuring the progress without taking into account those things that make life worthwhile to live.
But, how to measure Happiness? which unit to use to quantify it? The issue is complicated indeed, but not for that we should skip the topic.

It was interesting for me their approach about the Ultimate Outcome (Happy and Healthy lives) and the Fundamental Income (Planet's resources), something like how much does a country use to make its citizens happy.
Even more interesting was the five positive actions to improve well living:

  1. To Connect (social life, friends, relationships,...)
  2. Be Active (practice sports, move, dance, walk, work out, ...)
  3. Take Notice (be aware of your environment, surroundings. ... )
  4. Keep Learning (keep curiosity alive)
  5. To Give (share, be generous, ... )

Saturday, September 24, 2011

In my pursuing of Passion

Last Monday I started my MSc degree. We didn't start with a normal lecture, we started with some group and creativity activity.

The important thing about that first day was that I felt persecuted. I felt that the topic about passion has been chasing me, I found it everywhere, I connect it with everything, the books I read, the movies I watch at, and now the videos that are shown to me in class.

The following video never mentions the word PASSION, but I felt it is about it. It's about the importance of doing those things that give meaning to your life, to do what you believe in.

It was very curious too that he connected the theory of the 3-brains (which I got to know in a recent book I read: The Culture Code) with the issue of passion.

That Monday, tired of feeling persecuted by a ghost asking me all the time What's your passion? what's your passion? I declared that instead of it, I will begin my:
Pursuing of my Passion.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Picasso's case

I haven't been able to understand why some people confuses my name with Pedro, it has happened to me even during circumstances that i am not going to share here in family time.
I think that the P beginning, the O ending , the five letters and the Latin-style name might be confusing for other cultures.

I was forced then to develop a way to introduce myself to those who (now i know who) are likely to call me Pedro someday. It's very simple and it's just about this:
"my name is very easy, do you know a painter named Picasso???"
-here usually they say: "yes off course!"
-"great" i say "do you know his name??"
-here about 90% of people aim and say my name correctly, 5% says "off course I know about Pedro Picasso!" :s. The 5% left says "who???"
I confirm then my name and people seem to get it right, I thought I smartly solved the problem!!

Just now some people call me Picasso!!!
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

ideas al tratar de dormir

Si hace dos años y medio me preguntaban: que es lo que más me gusta de colombia? Habría tenido mil respuestas en 5 segundos. Hace unos días sin embargo, me preguntaron lo mismo y no sólo no respondi de una sino que no supe que decir en concreto. Eso me preocupó muchísimo.

En esta nueva etapa que estoy viviendo me he dado cuenta que mi comportamiento dentro de un grupo de varias personas es muy diferente a mi comportamiento cuando estoy hablando con una o dos personas. Siendo el segundo caso el más extraño pues la mente se me pone en blanco y al final o no digo nada o no pongo temas extendibles.

Nunca me he considerado introvertido (el cuento de los bultos de papas me lo creí muy bien), sin embargo el Pablo que salió de Colombia era un poco tímido con las mujeres y para conocer gente "a pelo" (acercarse a un(a) desconocido(a) extender la mano y decir: hola, soy Pablo...como Picasso), en Budapest creo que prácticamente se diluyo la primera y en Grenoble la segunda esta desapareciendo del todo.

Si el Pablo de los 90's tomará el DeLorian del Dr. Brown y viajará al "futuro" y me conociera se decepcionaria de mí (o de nos) sí le digo que ahora amo a la coliflor y al brocoli...mis más odiadas legumbres :P

En general estoy feliz en Grenoble. No estoy nostálgico de Budapest y estoy motivado por lo que viene.

Esto de tener androíd y de poder escribir y publicar desde el celular no me va a dejar dormir...2am y aún quiero escribir pendejadas.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A new Ja(n)zz(e)

I'm not a guy who is very up to jazz, I admire though its power to transmit sorrow and joy at the same time, it's impressive indeed, but I can't stand few songs in a row of Miles Davis for example.

But today I gave a new chance to the Jazz, I step into this song from Mingus Big Band, and I just got caught on it. The whole day I've been listening to more of their songs without the need to skip them :), good discovering of the day!

Monday, September 5, 2011

from android

First post from android, lets see how much do i enjoy such amount of connectivity
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The Old Man and The Sea (and my opinion)

A Classic book, a very classic one. With it Hemingway won the Pulitzer on '53 and then on '54 the Nobel prize in Literature "for his powerful, style-forming mastery of the art of narration". The story itself is simple but could be very symbolic, and as I finished the book just when I was in a train making a huge change in my life I think I'll give more meaning to it.

It's the third Nobel prize that I read, first one was Garcia Marquez (100 years of soltitude) and then it was Jose Saramago (Essay about Blindness), both were either great or left me with a particual taste in my mouth. This one was not like that, I felt it pretty plane but still I was feeling there were something important to say about it, some depth to explore.
I finished it two weeks ago, when I was in the train getting into Grenoble, and since then I tried several times to write about it but I didn't find the way to describe it or to talk about it until now, when through another book and movie I got the spark.
The book is about that thing inside that gives sense to your existence and to your actions, we could call it faith but I'd prefer, in this case, to call it Passion, because the book shows how Passion will sustain you even when things look bleakest, shows how doing something for your Passion is worthy of immense time and effort no matter if at the end you fail.

I don't know whether to recomend it or not, I just would say that if you dig it you'll find a meaning about reaching goals, about a stuggling, about loosing, about fighting yourself, about being defeated and about passion.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Which is my "music"?

I'm right now reading The Monk and the Riddle (Randy Komisar and Kent Lineback), few days ago I finished The Old Man and The Sea (Ernest Hemingway) and the last week I watched Music Within, and between all these three very different stories, passion in life seems to be a common topic.

After all of those, I just wonder to myself: Which is my passion? as Komisar asks in his book:
...[what is that] Something worthy of the immense time and energy you will spend on... ?

Is that an easy question? I don't think so, that's why Oliver Wendell Holmes said that "Most people die with the music still in them.", most people die without knowing what was that inner potential and energy which would pull them toward something they can not resist.

I think it could take time and effort to discover the answer for that question, which for sure is within us, but I'm willing to invest the time and the energies to discover it, I don't want to die with my music within.