
Thursday, October 4, 2012

12 brain rules in 7 months

12 Brain Rules, an interesting book to read. It is easy to digest, though it has plenty of information. The author gives a summary at the end of each chapter plus he is not afraid of imagining a world where the brain rules are applied. I rather let the author explain what the book is about:

The only sad thing is that the way I read it was very inconstant and it took me 7 months to do so, thus I have forgotten lots of it. Anyways, Mr. Medina is a geek who really want the world to know about this rules to improve lives and society, that's why in his webpage he practically explains the book (for free!),  following the links for the the twelve rules: 
  1. Exercise boosts brain power
  2. The brain evolved too
  3. Every brain is wired differently 
  4. We dont pay attention to boring things
  5. Repeat to remember
  6. Remember to repeat
  7. Sleep well, think well
  8. Stressed brains do not learn the same way non-stressed brains
  9. Stimulate more of the senses
  10. Vision trumps all other senses
  11. Male and female brains are different
  12. We are powerful and natural explorers

1 comment:

  1. Super! Me los voy a ver, pero es más divertido cuando los explicas en un tren viajando por Francia :)


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