
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Good Presents

I've met amazing people in Budapest, many of them have left but not without building a good friendship. One of them is Roger, a Gaucho (sort of brazilian version of colombian paisa) who for a matter of not having born in the 40's and not living in Liverpool is not a Beatle, indeed I remember when I met him he was wearing a T-shirt of The Beatles and a guitar. Before he left Budapest he gave me a good present, he gave me music, brazilian music, and we made an agreement: Each email we'll exchange talking about our lives, we'll send a song in our language. The experiment has been successful, we don't write very often though, but we do still, so the connection keeps alive and the music keeps flowing, as it should be.

I'll try to share some of the good songs I've discovered thanks to him. I'll begin with a freaking good band (btw, Gaucha) and with a song loaded of feeling!
Here you are, Engenheiros Do Hawaii - Refrão de Bolero (Acústico MTV)

1 comment:

  1. Irmão!! Não sabes como fico feliz em ser lembrado dessa forma! :) Muito obrigado pelas palavras carinhosas!

    Saiba que te considero um grande amigo, realmente especial. Fico contente que tens gostado das bandas que venho te mostrando. Mais uma prova que boa música é linguagem universal. De fato, essa é uma das minhas canções prediletas dessa banda que é uma das minhas favoritas.

    Tens que vir ao Brasil, especial para Porto Alegre, para ver isso ao vivo! Em breve nos veremos, antes do que imaginas! ;)

    Baita abraço,


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